Join 37 Orville Hand Squadron Today!

To be eligible to enrol in the Canadian Cadet Program:


The prospective cadet must be no younger than 12 years old, but no older than 19 years old on the day of enrollment


Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident


Have valid health insurance in Canada (public health insurance such as OHIP or private health insurance are accepted)

Training Nights

Training will be conducted every Thursday night from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at Fieldcrest Elementary School from September to June. Each training night will begin with an opening parade, two 30-minute classes, a break, one 30-minute class and a closing parade. Cadets are all divided into five proficiency levels, where cadets will have an opportunity to learn and interact with cadets of a similar age. Cadets are expected to attend all training nights and to be on the parade square formed up on time.


Uniforms are provided free of charge, including exchanges as cadets grow.  Cadets are expected to maintain their uniforms and return them upon leaving the program.  The Supply page will contain information on ordering, exchanging and maintaining uniforms.

Summer Training

There are several opportunities for Summer Training, from the one-to-two weeks Cadet Activity Program and up to six-week flying scholarships and international exchanges.  All Summer training is free of charge, and cadets will have an opportunity to earn a training bonus for select courses.  Detailed course criteria will be posted on the site later in the year.

New Recruits — 845 Avro Arrow

For more information about Air Cadets or the Canadian Cadet Program, please visit the National Cadet Website.

Interested in Joining 37 Orville Hand Squadron?

Apply Online through the Government of Canada Website

We will be in contact with you shortly with the next steps after submitting the completed application package.

Contact Us

CO of 37 Orville Hand Squadron
C/O Royal Canadian Legion Branch 521

115 Back Street
Bradford West Gwillimbury, ON
L3Z 1W8

This is an unofficial cadet website that is not intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces or the Cadet Leagues of Canada. This is not a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintained on behalf 37 Orville Hand Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron. This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of the 37 Orville Hand Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff and Local Committee. The objective is to provide basic information about the function of the squadron and to inform cadets, parents and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place.