FlipGive is an organization that has partnered with hundreds of brands to provide cash-back offers on groceries, apparel, home, sports and outdoor gear, electronics, travel, pet supplies, meals, entertainment, beauty, and more. It allows people to make all the regular purchases they would normally make with all the same brands, but by simply visiting FlipGive first, the Squadron will earn fundraising dollars.

In order to support the Squadron, we would ask that each Cadet sign up now, and start shopping (with their families) for the things they would normally buy anyway. It is very easy to use, and every purchase helps the Squadron directly.
Contact Us
CO of 37 Orville Hand Squadron
C/O Royal Canadian Legion Branch 521
115 Back Street
Bradford West Gwillimbury, ON
L3Z 1W8
This is an unofficial cadet website that is not intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces or the Cadet Leagues of Canada. This is not a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintained on behalf 37 Orville Hand Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron. This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of the 37 Orville Hand Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff and Local Committee. The objective is to provide basic information about the function of the squadron and to inform cadets, parents and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place.